
Under our constitution we have a committee of 11 people to manage the affairs of the Multifaith Association. We usually meet on the second Sunday of each month. Members of the Association are welcome to attend as observers. Please contact the President or Secretary if you would like to attend. (see below)

We also have a Youth Group which meets regularly. Again, contact the President or Secretary and we can put you in touch with a great group of young people committed to interfaith activities.
Another ongoing committee organises our annual Symposium (like a conference) – if you’d like to help, let us know.

Multifaith Association is also committed to the Faith Friendly project – which aims to proliferate the Faith Friendly Charter and encourage governments, councils and workplaces to create environments where people of (any) faith are welcomed. Please let us know if you would like to be involved.


Philippa Rowland


Vice President:

Salim Kalaniya


Sister Megha

Email: Secretary

Phone: 0449 808013


Andrew Buchanan